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Travel/ Between the new and old London

I was feeling old and new when I arrived London. Only a few weeks ago, I came to SOAS library and talked to the librarian about longer my library card. She asked me if I knew about “Sconul”. I told her No I have never heard of it. “You can borrow books from SOAS if you apply for Sconul.” That is good to know.

After I back to Manchester, I completed the application form and received the confirmation from University within two days. Now I come to London again. There was a picket in front of SOAS main building. In that case, I am not allowed to enter. I know my school as always. One of the students said “Sorry about that.” To be honest I understand it with no upset and anger. Sometimes it is necessary to do the strike.

When I was walking at Russel square, even though I came here hundred times, I still feel fresh. The memories came, I used to have a picnic with classmates on the grass. They brought many ciders and some biscuits.

Once I sat on the chair of the park, a friend ask me: “what do you want to do in the future?” I told him that I want to be a doctor who can teach in the university.

I haven’t changed my mind even after three years. But I realised something which is extremely and to some extend it might be the most important thing in my life, is to feel truly happy with myself. I am still learning. I am still failing. But I already started loving.

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