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Book/ Whenever You Go, There You Are.

I was struggling which books should I buy at Waterstone.

Before hitting the bookstore, I was browsing all the series about "Zen" and "meditation" at University of Manchester library. Sarcastically, our library full of the bunch of "theories."Several renowned scholars brought up their ideologies toward Zen, Buddhism, and mindful meditation; yet before getting to know their analysis, read the original text of Zen is the must-do.

So I started seeking the books at Amazon, second-hand books store. The overwhelming choices come to my eyes; I couldn't believe that there are far more numbers of the Zen-related materials than I imagined in the market. Ten days later, after picking up three books and put them on my list, I decided to browse it in the bookstore before I bought them. One of the books isn't as good as I thought. The name is "the things you can see only when you slow down", it is more a "moral" lesson rather than philosophy.

Then I selected the books which were not on my original list when I read few pages of them. This book is extremely easy to read. It doesn't make the ideas of mindfulness subtle and vague, on the contrary, the clarity of book is one of my favorite parts.

I shall recommend it to everyone who is interested in detour the life from business, tiredness, and emptiness. The name of the book is : Whenever You Go, There You Are.

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