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Travel/Some sketches of Sheffield

The staff in the Sainsbury refused to sell the bear since I have no ID with me. I rushed to the bar downstairs and asked for a bear. "I haven't drink for a long time, what is your best choice?" The bartender laughed and filled up three types of beer, and the last one with lighter colour is the best. At the moment, my friend sent me the message " I thought you don't drink at all. " But the road is wide, and the weather is nice in Sheffield.

Photo by Yi-Chi Chiu

There are five people sat on a couch, they seem to be university students. They were laughing and clapping when DJ was playing pop music. Only three years passed when I left NCKU. That is one of the shining moments in my life, but I've already forgotten the reason why it shines so much. It is not time faded my memory. But the memory had been revised several times, and I cannot recognise the originality at all. -I walked through the corridor. The guy lived in the same corner knocked my door. "I had asked reception to check my problematic shower room, it had been an hour, and I saw no one come." I recognised his expression. That is the face with disappointed, anxious and upset. I dated myself back to the summer in 2014, setting my foot on the United Kingdom.

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